Over 2000 individual hire outfits, around 60 theme-related costume areas, plus background information on a 250 page website updated regularly,
yet we'll try to get you where you want to be within four page/screens.
Appointments can be made:
Monday - Friday: 10am - 8pm; Saturday: 10am - 6pm; Closed Sundays

In this section we cover glasses and eyewear which help create a character. There are many different styles, and the list is not exhaustive, but here are some examples

The Harry Potter style. Thse may also come in a round wire-rimmed style.
Such glasses may also be used for Where's Wally and a Nerd/Genius character

The monocle accessory is frequently used for aristocratic characters, explorers or others wishing to give themselves a touch of the upper-class, especially Victorians & Edwardians. As a rule, monocles are only worn by males - females may prefer pinz-nez style small glasses.

This style is often associated with Prof. Dumbledore of Hogwarts or Country Vicars.
A variation in the half-moon style can also be found

The wire-rim coloured style is propably most commonly associated with the 1960s, Hippies and John Lennon of The Beatles

Winged and diamente-style, usually associated with the 1950s

Black Rim glasses, possibly best associated with Austin Powers, International Superspy but also seen in other films featuring Michael Caine

Rock Star glasses - principally associated with Elvis.
Wrap-around Sunglasses, as seen in The Terminator, Men in Black and Matrix movies
..And over-the-top Sunglasses for the likes of Elton John, Timmy Mallett and Hippies