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Once upon a time...

Book Week 2024.png

it was just printed books. Nowadays, despite the multitude of digital alternatives, books still survive, and are celebrated in the various book days, weeks and reading events/festivals held annually.  In 2024, World Book Day was Thursday 7 March (sometimes extending to the 8th), involving the distribution of free books and book tokens as well as other events and activities. Some schools may combine Book Day with other events such as Comic Relief (15 March) or other fundraising in connection with good causes. An alternative Book Day can also occur around 23 April, birthdate of William Shakespeare.

To meet the challenges of this event, there are several options;

a) Hire from us, which may be why you're here in the first place,

b) Order off the internet, having checked availability and delivery times,

c) Phone a friend or similar who has something you can borrow,

d) Improvise, with the help of your offspring.

Getting back to option (a), below, we have an alphabetical selection of outfits available for book characters, some to hire, some to buy

If you can't see anything that inspires you here, try the main Children's Hire Catalogue..

If you are Teen to Adult, this is the link Book Characters for Adults

1 A-B.jpg
2 -C.jpg
3 - D-E.jpg
4 - F-G.jpg
5 - H-J.jpg
6 J-M.jpg
7 M-O.jpg
8 - Q-R.jpg
9 S- U.jpg
9 - S1.jpg
10 V-W.jpg
11 W-Z.jpg
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